
Chipette's 3rd Grade Trip Around the World

This is a list of what Chipette is using for third grade this year. Our focus is going to be on world geography and along with that a study of the book of Acts.

Main Program (includes geography, crafts, vocabulary): Expedition Earth (world geography) and Beautiful Feet’s Geography ThroughLiterature (United States Geography Update: We are only using Seabird to go with world geography. I'm saving the other books for next year.)

I’m adding in the following to continue with our world geography theme:
You can find my lesson plans under the Curriculum tab or in the tag cloud under Globe Trotting Girls.

Bible StudyBible Study Guide for All Ages

Math Programs:
  • Math in Focus 3A and 3B
  • MEP We are only using Math in Focus at this point. While I love MEP, we just couldn't hack two main math programs anymore.
  • Miquon
Math Supplements:
Language Arts Programs:

Science: Apologia’s Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day along with the JuniorNotebooking Journal Update: Since we added Sassafras Science to our World Geography study, I decided not to do this. We might use it next year, but Chipette is really wanting to use the next Sassafras book, so we will see.

The Extras:
Independent Work (done every day except for Logic and Poetry copy work which are two days a week only):
How I’m Scheduling It All

Every Day: Math, Bible, Spelling, MCT LA Island level, IEW SWI-A, Read Aloud, K12 Literature

Days One and Day Three: World Geography and Science

Days Two and Day Four: Loop Schedule of Spanish, Character, Beautiful Feet Geography, Miquon, and Shakespeare


  1. I love how you have everything laid out and scheduled. Looks like a productive year :-)

    1. The only thing I'm going to change is I'm not going to use Expedition Earth exactly as she has it set up, but more as an outline of what I want to do. It's just too paper-driven for me and my kids.

      As for how I came up with that schedule see my planning posts under the homeschool tab at the top!
