First of all, me and the tree dwellers flew this trip home. Chipette hadn't been on a plane since she was 2. Magpie and Monkey had never flown. The gate attendant told us to tell the flight attendant that the kids were first time flyers. I must say that Southwest went over and above making sure Chipette and Magpie had a great first flight. The pilot let them in the cockpit, took their pictures, let them talk on the intercom, and push some buttons. As you can tell by their faces, being a pilot has become a serious contender for future career!
The first part of our trip we took the kids to Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri. I hadn't been since I was in Junior High, but the girls had a great time. Monkey just wanted to be able to take his afternoon nap in something other than a stroller.
Monkey did like the train at Silver Dollar City, though. Here he is in his conductor's cap.
For the second part of our trip, we just spent time driving through the Ozark Mountains and hiking around my parents' house. The trees were in their full autumn colors while we were there.
Chipette and Magpie had to put up with me telling them to stop and pose in front of pretty trees that we saw on our hikes.
We visited Alum Cove in Arkansas and hiked down to the Natural Bridge. Here's Chipette underneath the rock bridge.
Magpie had to be like big sister and have her own walking stick too.
Monkey has a really large vocabulary right now. It consists of one word, "ball." We stopped to eat lunch at a little cafe in Jasper, Arkansas and he found a bunch of orange "balls" to play with.
We had a wonderful time visiting with family and experiencing a true fall season. I haven't been home during the fall for five years, and I had forgotten how beautiful it is. Although I don't work for the tourism board, it is definitely worth experiencing an Ozark Mountain autumn at least once in your life!
Glad to be back in the treehouse,