
Final Analysis Friday: Thankful About Boot Camp

This Friday I’m sharing some exciting events that are happening here at the Planted Trees.

1) My friend Renee over at Great Peace Academy is having a Thirty Days to Give Thanks challenge this month. I’m doing a visual version of this inspired by a friend on Facebook.

Day One: I'm thankful for Preacher Man who had to be Mr. Mom the past two days while I was sick in bed. Not just any two days, either, but Halloween night when moms have the most to do! Here he is taking a much deserved rest after I'm back on my weak and shaky feet.

Day Two: I am thankful for the ability to purchase clean, healthy food from a multitude of choices that fits my family's preferences and nutritional needs. Most people in the world can do none of these things.

Feel free to link up using the button below if you’d like to join in! It never hurts to be more aware and thankful for the blessings in our lives.

This Week @ Great Peace Academy

2) My second bit of news comes via another blogging friend, Pam at Everyday Snapshots. She asked me and Kristen from Teaching Stars a few weeks ago about joining in a Homeschool Mom’s Boot Camp. Basically we could pick anything that we felt needed improvement in our homeschool or our home in general, track our progress, and blog all about our triumphs and failures as we tried to work on bettering ourselves as homeschoolers.

I jumped on her offer like a duck on a June bug! I am always up for a challenge to improve myself and of course, to be real about it on my blog. So over the next two weeks, I will be posting about keeping your priorities straight while homeschooling. Be on the lookout for the Homeschool Mom’s Boot Camp link in my posts this week to send you to some wonderful, informative posts on the basics of the homeschool life that we usually need a refresher course in from time to time.

And that leads me to…

Day Three: I am thankful for blogging friends who I’ve never met face to face, but feel quite a kinship with because we homeschool our children and blog about it all while keeping it real.

Thankful to be in boot camp in the tree house,



  1. Hi Chelli,
    Glad to see you join in. Thanks for the shout out.
    Hope you are feeling better. My Little Man just came down with a bug today.
    Cant' wait to read all that your thankful for.
    I'm also going to go check out your friend Pam's blog bootcamp. :)

    1. Hope your little guy starts feeling better and thanks for inviting me to link up!

    2. He is feeling better, thank you.

  2. I couldn't pick better friends to be going through Boot Camp with! I'm really looking forward to it!

  3. Chelli - What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger!! I am so glad you will be in boot camp with me. Monday! Whooo-ah!

    1. Well, we haven't finished yet! It might just kill us! LOL!

  4. Great post! I'm interested in reading this Mom Boot Camp - thank you for sharing :)

    1. We're all excited about boot camp around here! Check back frequently to see how it's going.
