
2011-2012 Curriculum: Magpie's Pre-K Books and Such

This is a listing of what Magpie is using for pre-K this year. I will be trying to do in-depth reviews of each of these programs as the year progresses.

Main Program (includes Bible, letters, numbers, colors, shapes, pre-handwriting skills, music, and art): Heart of Dakota's Little Hands to Heaven

Math Programs:
  • Math Practice for Beginners (This is to help learn to write numbers 1-10 and beginning addition and subtraction problems. We do one page every day.)
  • MEP Reception (This is a free math program that uses pictures and fun activities to teach beginning math skills. We do this twice a week.)
  • Cuisinaire Rods Alphabet Book (We do this on Friday to reinforce the letter we worked on that week and to get more math practice. This is linked to Amazon, but you can buy the book new from My Father's World. It is listed in their Kindergarten package, but you can purchase just the book.)
Phonics Programs:
  • Child's Play Science (We use this as a guide of topics to cover. We check out library books and watch Magic School Bus cartoons that go with the different topics. We only do this twice a week, but Magpie really likes it.)
  • Salsa Spanish videos (Although this is technically Chipette's foreign language program, Magpie joins in every time we watch the videos and do our Spanish lesson.)

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