
Summary Saturday: A True Tree Dweller

While everyone else in our area had Spring Break this week, we kept plugging away since we will have our Spring Break next week when my parents and sister come down for a visit. Just one benefit of homeschooling...flexibility.

First up this week Magpie wanted to show some of the things she's been doing for Pre-K. This is a page she did out of her Cuisenaire rods alphabet book. She loves the last day of our week when we get out the C-rods and her and Chipette work on their "block math". Her alphabet book is a great way to blend familiarity with the C-rods, counting, and phonics all in one fun package.

Next Magpie practiced following my instructions to build towers from blocks just like the Israelites had to follow the Egyptians instructions when they were slaves in Egypt. Here she is with her tall tower, wide tower, flat tower, and short tower:


Sometimes there are subjects that you never have to twist arms to get your children to do. We actually have quite a few of those, but art is probably the winner. This week the girls worked on stencil drawings. I cut out a stencil of a maple leaf and an oak leaf for them to use. Here they are working on their drawings:


Chipette started her ballet unit study this week. She is so excited to do school each day since we started our study. She actually got upset yesterday when I told her we would be taking next week off since we were having guests. You could have knocked me over with a feather! This kid never gets upset when I tell her she won't have to do school. Here is the first entry of her ballet notebook that we are putting together while we do our unit study:


Finally, the most exciting thing that happened this week was when my man showed up at the house Thursday morning and took all of us on an impromptu field trip. We've been studying birds this year as part of our science curriculum: Zoology 1. He just happened to find out that someone we go to church with had a bald eagle's nest on his property with two baby eaglets. So off we went:

This is the best shot I got since the land between where we were and the eagles' nest was flooded from some recent rain. We are hoping to go back once it dries out a bit and try to get closer and see the parents since they didn't show up while we were there. Anyway, it was still really awesome to see these birds that we had just finished learning about. And to see my man's face as Chipette and Magpie rattled off all of these facts about bald eagles! *If you click on the picture it should get a little bigger so you can see it better*


Why is the eaglet all brown you might be asking? Well, one of the things we learned was that bald eagles do not get their distinguishing white head and tail feathers until they are around three years old.

All in all a fun week!

Wishing we had a bald eagle (although if my man's hair keeps falling out this might be true!) to live in the treehouse,



  1. How neat! We were able to see bald eagles one time--it was an awesome experience. Hope you get to go back and continue observing them.

    1. I'm hoping we can go back next week. My husband says that the babies will already be gone, but I hope not!

  2. Love your blog, especially the name! We're QUITE into our "outdoors" and decided to choice TREE MONIKERS for our blog. I'm Sweet Pepperbush! LOL My DH is Blue Spruce. And our kids are White Pine, Sugar Maple and Balsam Fir! LOL

    1. The idea for the blog and the monikers all kind of came together with random occurences. I used the verse for Psalm 1 to name our homeschool, my husband used to be in forest management (he'd LOVE your family's names!), and I started calling our son "Monkey" because he loves to be funny and silly. Once I decided to do a blog, it all kind of came together.
