Quite a few recipe posts I’ve been getting ready
for the blog especially some delicious desserts. I have a love-hate relationship
when I decided to make a dessert for the blog. I love to eat it, but I hate
what it does to my waistline. But I am willing to sacrifice a pant’s size for
my readers! Tonight I’m making French Dressing Chicken which is one of my all
time favorite recipes that I made up when Preacher Man and I were first
I’m on a YA dystopian kick lately so I’m finishing
up the Matched trilogy by Ally Condie
this week. I have to share a great book I read last week, The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen. Wonderful book! I stayed
up way later than I should have to finish it. I’m definitely going to be
looking for more books by this author.
To the fish tank gurgling in the back ground and
the refrigerator running quietly. It’s blessedly quiet around here for a few
minutes. The girls are in the backyard with friends and Monkey is running
around town with Beauty Queen. I’m waiting for the back door to slam open any
minute and chaos to ensue again.
About what to get Preacher Man for Father’s Day. I
have no money and I’m quickly running out of time. Any suggestions?
Future studies for the girls. I’ve been radically
changing how we are going to cover history and science around here. I’ve had
books arriving daily at the house as I prep everything for 4th grade
and 1st grade which we will start up in January. Can you say, “Planners
Anonymous?” J
Feel free to follow me on Pinterest using the
button in the sidebar. I wanted to share some of my favorite finds this past
Homeschool: I’ve wanted to make Chipette a planner
for a while so that she could have a way to keep track of her independent
assignments. Each year I am slowly adding more and more independent work for
her. I found a great weekly template that I think will be perfect. You can find
it here.
Home: I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to
making something like this, but it looks so cool that I’d love to find the
time. Think steam punk meets gardening.
Cooking: Do you love bacon? Preacher Man ADORES
bacon and would probably eat just about anything if bacon was involved in some
way. When I saw this recipe, I knew I had to pin it. This will be on the menu
sometime this week. Probably for Father’s Day!
My now deceased digital camera. It was my first
major purchase after Preacher Man left preaching school. I accidentally jerked
it off the counter (the strap had gotten wrapped around my hand) and the parts
of the lens popped out, so now it will no longer zoom. I’m saving up for a new
camera, but until then if you notice that my pictures look a little off on the
blog, it’s because they are all being taken on my camera phone. RIP Kodak Easy
Share Z650.
That the days with my kids seem to be getting
shorter and shorter. As Chipette walked into the kitchen the other night
wearing my robe with her hair wrapped up in a towel and stated, “Look, Mom, I’m
a big girl!” Unfortunately that’s only too true and getting bigger every day.
Must. Hug. And. Laugh. More.
Looking forward to a new week of productivity,
loving, learning, laughing and cooking in the tree house,
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