
Thursday's Thoughts: Week of May 12, 2013


My good friend, Beauty Queen, turned our family on to Pioneer Woman’s cornbread {with some modifications to get rid of the shortening}. I made some last night for supper and it always reminds me of my grandma’s cornbread growing up. According to Preacher Man, it’s the best cornbread on the planet. The way our family eats it up, I think I would agree.


Believe it or not, I’m not currently reading anything! {Pick yourself up off the floor. Shake it off.} However, I do have Why Don’t Students Like School: A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means coming through inter-library loan. Just like when I was a public school teacher and had to go to conferences and in-services to learn about new teaching methods and curriculum, I try to do the same as a homeschool teacher too. I’m always trying to learn how best to deliver information to my kids. Homeschooling is my job, so I try to stay up to date on what’s out there.


To a fly buzzing and the ceiling fan beat out it’s rhythm. Summer has officially taken hold here. No relief for at least five months. Ugh.


About how crazy this weekend is going to be. The girls’ ballet recital is Saturday and rehearsal is Friday. Lots of running around, tears, and then satisfaction when it’s all over!


Out our school for next year. I’m torn between continuing with Heart of Dakota {which we LOVE!} and moving into a more stream-lined approach of do less, but go deeper {aka strike out on my own}. I hate indecision.


Feel free to follow me on Pinterest using the button in the sidebar. I wanted to share some of my favorite finds this past week:

Homeschool: I pinned some American history coloring pages this morning. They are fabulous! It is basically a timeline in coloring page form. Check it out here.

Home: Older mothers always tell younger mothers how short the time is with our children. Recently this idea came across my Pinterest feed, and I fell in love! It’s such a great idea to remember the little things {and big things!} that happen from year to year.

Cooking: Once a week I try a recipe from Pinterest. Some of them are okay, but not worthy of becoming a permanent part of the rotation. Others are really good and everyone likes it. This week the big hit was this. It was so good and very easy.


My quiet time in the morning. The house is quiet, I have my caffeine drink of choice, studying my Bible, surfing the Internet. It’s bliss.


The Twirling Trio. Chipette and her two of her best friends {Jane and Princess} took ballet together when they were five. While Jane and Princess no longer take ballet, this picture makes me smile. If you can’t dance with your friends, who can you dance with?

Looking forward to a new week of productivity, loving, learning, laughing and cooking in the tree house,



  1. Wishing you would write a blog for me!!

  2. We also used and loved HOD this year (Beyond) and I bought Bigger to use startng in the fall but after reading so many of the truth and beauty and LCC posts on the WTM I am starting to question what I want to do next year too. I was flipping through Bigger and although it looks so fun it also looks like a lot of busy work thrown in and I supplement so much anyway. Ughh, just not sure. Good luck with your planning!

    1. You sound like me. I want our homeschool to be more peaceful and easy, not hectic and rushed. I want it to be more focused and meaningful instead of checking off boxes. Anyway, still working on all of this. I know I could tweak HOD enough to make it fit my vision, but then I wonder if it would be worth purchasing at that point. KWIM?

  3. I'm so curious to see if you stick with HOD or not :) I know it's so hard because no matter how great HOD is, there are still so many other great options out there. Every once in a while I pick up my WTM copy, or search through the SCM website and wonder how long I'll stick with HOD myself. I do love really love it, so who knows. I had a little extra from selling my old stuff, and even picked up a RtR guide a year early. It looks great, so I can't imagine skipping it. So many decisions huh?

    1. HOD is always my fall back. I know that it will work. I just feel like there is a lot of "busy" work with HOD that makes the days run longer than necessary. Great book choices though and I love the integration of skills and subjects. Still on the fence, but prepping for both options.
