
Globe-Trotting Girls: Have Books, Will Travel!

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I’ve had some people interested in what we are doing for our World Geography and Animals and Their Habitats study for this year, so I decided to share my lesson plans for each continent as we finish.

Here are the resources I used. The starred ones are what you would need to buy if you wanted to do this in your home:

World Geography:
  • Home Art Studio Grade 1*: I actually won a copy of this during a blog giveaway, but it ties in perfectly with world geography so I’m using it for some of the art projects.
  • Geography Through Art*: I bought the pdf version of this book at half price in the fall. I will be using it for the other art projects not found on Home Art Studio.
  • Sassafras Science Adventures Zoology*: This product came on the market right as I was finalizing our plans and it looked too awesome to pass up and it is! The one thing that my girls beg for me to do with them. Chipette has already asked if we can do volume two next year. This program is meant to be used for only half a year, but I’m stretching it out for an entire year to stick with geography. This book is where I got the order to travel the world.
  • Various picture books set in or about the country we are studying. Definitely used our local libraries for these.
  • Various fairy tales and fables from each country using library books. I will list these under each week’s plans since there are quite a few. We especially focuses on Cinderella stories from various countries and compared them to the French version of the story that with which most people are familiar.
  • Read Alouds scheduled for each country. I’m getting these books through the library and inter-library loan:
    • Journey to Jo’Burg (South Africa)
    • A Long Walk to Water (Sudan)
    • The Incredible Journey (Canada)
    • Walk the World’s Rim (Mexico)
    • Secret of the Andes (Peru)
    • Chucaro: Wild Pony of the Pampa (Argentina)
    • Quicksand Pony (Australia)
    • Daughter of the Mountains (India)
    • The Master Puppeteer (Japan)
    • I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade (China)
    • Julie of the Wolves (Arctic)
    • The Secret Garden (England)
    • The Family Under the Bridge (France)
    • Wheel on the School (The Netherlands)
For Fun:
I added in various movies and documentaries to round out our geography and science studies. I will list those under each continent as appropriate. I also discovered these cute paperdoll printables that the girls loved using to decorate their notebooks.

As with anything, you do NOT have to do everything I chose to do with my kids. We do this study five days a week. Two days we focus on the science part of our study and the other three days we focus on the country study. Read alouds are done all week long. I do not force my Kindergartener to listen to the read aloud books. I chose those based on my third grader. The picture books are more for my Kindy kid.

Go to Week One and get started!


  1. Did you just get the Sassafras novel or the guides, too? I was wondering where you got the animal cards your girls used to classify.

    1. I bought all of the Sassafras components. I bought the novel as a hardcopy and bought the logbook and teacher guide as pdf documents.

      As for the animal cards, those came from a set I had as a girl called Wildlife Treasury. You could easily just find pictures on the internet or find a cheap used animal encyclopedia that you don't mind cutting up.
