So this week I’ve been working on establishing a
morning routine. Things are actually going pretty well. I’ve been getting to
bed on time which means that I can get up when the alarm goes off without
hitting snooze until my iPod finally gives up on me a few times.
I’ve been following the Taking Control of Your Time series over at Look at What You Are Seeing! to help me make things a
little more manageable around the tree house. I like how she puts things in
very teeny, tiny bite size chunks. Some of these home organization blogs I’ve
read will say, “This week we’re going to organize your closet.” I want to say, “You
haven’t seen my closet if you think it can be finished in a week!”
From the
This week I made a crockpot tortellini and sausage dish that was DIVINE! So good! Chipette and I chowed down because tortellini is
our favorite kind of pasta. We also made apple dumplings as part of our
geography study and I will share that recipe in a couple of weeks on the blog.
It’s too good not to share!
We wrapped up the introduction stuff to world
geography this week, so next week we will begin our “travels,” so I’m getting
passports prepped for all the girls to hand out on Monday.
I’m also working on changing up Chipette’s extra
subjects to a loop schedule. I think we’ll try it out for a couple of weeks and
see how it goes. We also dropped one of her math programs which makes me sad,
but we needed the time in our day back.
On the Blog
My first Summary Saturday post of 2013 should be
up sometime tomorrow and along with it I will be sharing my geography lesson
plans for the first two weeks. Also, I’m doing one more post this next week for
the Virtual Curriculum Fair about our new art program, Home Art Studio. I might
squeeze in a post about what looping is and different ways you can use it in
your homeschool. We’ll see how much of this actually makes it to completion
So the “S” diet is going really well. I don’t feel
deprived, and I’m noticing some eating habits that I didn’t realize I had. For
example, the no snacks rule is more difficult than I thought it would be. I’ve
never considered myself a snacker, but now that I’m thinking about it I’ve
realized that there are quite a few times during the day when I would absentmindedly
grab something off the kids plate or a bite of something out of the fridge or
pantry. But the diet is working…looser jeans are happening around here!
I’m still working on Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit
Disorder. It’s definitely inspiring me to get the kids outside more! I
remember all the fun I had growing up in the country with forests, hills, and
creeks to explore. My poor children have a small backyard, so we’ll definitely
have to make some time to get out in the country soon!
Feel free to follow me on Pinterest using the
button in the sidebar. I wanted to share some of my favorite finds this past
Homeschool: I stumbled across this awesome Lego board game which goes right along with the girls’ new found love of Legos. Plus I can
work in a little math practice with Magpie!
Home: I’m loving these diaper boxes turned storage boxes I found. I’m only using fabric on the biggest boxes and scrapbook paper
on some smaller boxes. It’s a LOT cheaper than buying those cute storage bins
plus diaper boxes can hold quite a bit more too!
Cooking: I’m looking forward to making this dessert for our small group Bible study Sunday night. Two of my favorite things
in the world: pineapple and cream cheese. Yummo!
Plans and
Well, Chipette and Mapgie are out the dance studio
sleepover tonight so I will have some sugar coma exhausted kids tomorrow. This
is Magpie’s first year to participate so I hope she has a good time.
Chipette got asked to come to another dance class
on Tuesdays because her ballet teacher has “plans” for her, aka sees a lot of potential.
I left the decision up to her and she wanted to do it, so we will be adding
another night away from home. Preacher Man and I still have to figure out the
logistics since that is my Ladies’ Bible Class night, but we’ll make it work.
Next Friday, the girls are going on a field trip
with our homeschool group to see a play. The group is studying drama this quarter
and putting on their own play about a pirate, so this will give them to chance
to see how it’s really done! Monkey and I will find something else to do
because a two year old in a theatre will not last long.
A Memory
I love when my kids help me shuck corn. It reminds
me of many a hot summer afternoon sitting under the tree at my grandmother’s
house. It was always a gamble when you grabbed an ear of corn because you just
might have a nice, big, juicy worm chewing on the cob. *shiver* With store
bought corn, you don’t run that much of a risk!
Looking forward to a new week of routines, loving,
learning, laughing and cooking in the tree house,
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