
Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt Printable for Readers and Non-Readers

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If you asked my children what is your favorite holiday tradition, they would all say it is our annual Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt. We pile in our minivan and drive 30 minutes to a neighborhood that goes all out for Christmas with decorating. Preacher Man drives slowly through the streets while the kids and I try to be the first to mark off the things on our list. I’ve been able for the past few years to find Christmas scavenger hunt printables on the internet, but some of them have really odd items like a dolphin (who decorates with a dolphin at Christmas?) and none of them were really great for Levi who still can’t read well enough to read his own list, so I spent most of my time yelling to the backseat what he should be looking for. Necessity is the mother of invention and this year I made our own Christmas Scavenger Hunt printables and one that is specifically for non-readers in your family so they can be part of the fun without needing assistance.

In case you are curious about how we play, when you find something on the list at a house, you have to yell and point out the house you are using and what item on your list you are using it for. That house is then off limits to other players for that item, but could be used by other players for a different item as long as they claim it. The first one to get everything on their list wins and gets to choose where we grab our supper before heading home. It’s so much fun and would be a great thing to do with youth groups, friends, and, of course, your family.

Just print out your choice of printable below (or both!), schedule a night to go out, and have a blast celebrating our family’s favorite time of year! 


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  7. A great exercise for readers and non-readers alike is the Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt Printable. It turns Christmas decoration into an entertaining game that's great for people of all ages. It's a fun way to spread holiday cheer and make enduring memories, whether you read the clues or have a visual hunt.

  8. ‘This Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt Printable is one fascinating activity that can be done during the Christmas period’. It is also quite effective in engaging everyone into some outdoor celebration while discovering well lit and decorated houses. There might be nights when you need to dress warm when hunting; some stylish black varsity jacket mens styles can do the trick. Looking forward to using this for everyone; for the children and adults. Many thanks for posting this sweet-tempered activity.

  9. I'm looking for an exciting Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt Printable that would add some enjoyment to my holiday season. "A fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors with everyone while looking at all the lights and decorations on homes. Staying warm under the chilly nights is the main deal, and chances are you can find some exquisite new designs in fur leather jacket that will keep you cozy while still being stylish. This has to be an awesome experience for children and adults alike. Thanks for sharing such a fun activity that gets everyone in the holiday spirit.

  10. A Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt is a fantastic concept! For kids and families, it's an imaginative and enjoyable way to add even more excitement to the holiday season. The printable is a really helpful tool for organising the activity, and it's quite simple to use. Having a strong online presence is essential if you intend to advertise this activity online. Investing in a reputable web development service will help you construct a stunning, user-friendly website that will allow you to share your printable and ideas with the world. To all those concerned, happy holidays.
